Undergraduate Opportunities

National Undergraduate Fellowships

Beinecke Memorial Scholarship
Awarded to to juniors prior to entering graduate school and while attending graduate school. 2024 Awardee: Ari Quasney.  2022 Awardee:  Gold Carson ’23   2019 Awardee:  Joseph Moore ’20  Campus Information Here  

Critical Language Scholarship Program
Fully-funded summer language institutes for U.S. university students, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State.  2019 Awardee:  Niku Darafshi ’21

DAAD RISE Summer Internships
Summer internships in biology, chemistry, physics, earth sciences and engineering.

Projects for Peace
Grant for projects that promote peace and address causes of conflicts. 2024 Awardees: Simon Wainaina Maina ’26, Abel Mesfin ’26. 2023 Awardee:  Shiara Pyrrhus ’23. Please reach out to the campus liaison, Aly W. Corey ([email protected]), for more information.

Fulbright Summer Institutes
Study and cultural exploration in the U.K.

Gilman International Scholarship
Study abroad during the summer or academic year.  2014 Awardee:  Miaoru Guan ’17

Goldwater Scholarship
Supports for students pursuing careers in mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering. 2024 Awardees: Luke Young-Xu ’25 & Samuel Bishop ’25. 2023 Awardee:  Sasha Shakov ’24  2022 Awardee: Isabel Albores ’23  Campus information here

Truman Scholarship
Awarded to juniors in support of postgraduate study in any field who are committed to a career of public service.  2023 Awardee:  Niko Malhotra ’24
2020 Awardee:  Chris Avila ’21 

Campus Truman information hereVideo Information Session 

NSEP Boren Scholarship
Support for summer, semester, or year of undergraduate study abroad.

Udall Scholarship
For sophomores and juniors committed to careers related to the environment, tribal public policy, or Native American health care. Financial support for your Williams education. 2022 Awardee:  Isabel Albores ’23 

Williams Summer Undergraduate Fellowships

Williams offers many opportunities for students to continue their intellectual pursuits during the summer months. Sophomores and juniors are eligible to apply for all summer research and travel fellowships. First-years, sophomores, and juniors are eligible to apply for grants that support intensive language study abroad. Interested applicants should attend information sessions offered each fall and during Winter Study. Summer Fellowship applications are due on February 17, 2025. 

Travel & Research Summer Fellowships Information & Link to Application

Language Study Summer Fellowships Information & Link to Application

Summer Fellowships Descriptions:

Travel & Research:

The Roche & Gomez Research Fellowship

The Roche & Gomez Research Fellowship offer selected students the opportunity to demonstrate initiative in pursuing an area of research driven by their own intellectually curiosity.   It supports research or creative endeavors that complement a student’s academic course of study.  It is expected that the project will contribute to significant academic achievement.  Preference will be given to rising seniors for whom a proposed summer research project will catalyze a full-year honors thesis. First-years, sophomores, and juniors are eligible.

The Lawrence Fellowship

The Mary and Nathaniel M. Lawrence Memorial Fellowship makes relatively modest grants to support travel abroad that lead to personal growth and development, similar to the spirit of a Watson Fellowship. A student’s project need not have an academic or primarily educational component.  Sophomores and juniors are eligible.

The Robert G. Wilmers, Jr. 1990 Memorial Student Travel Abroad Fellowship

Supports substantial academic research projects that require foreign travel. Successful projects will present an ambitious intellectual proposal with clear objectives and a defined research methodology.  Sophomores and juniors are eligible.

The Class of 1945 Student World Fellowship

Funded by those classes whose academic careers at Williams were interrupted by World War II, these fellowships support projects of travel and study abroad that aim to increase international understanding, peaceful resolutions to cultural conflicts, and social action that forges links among countries. Sophomores and juniors are eligible.

The Russell H. Bostert Memorial Fellowship

Supports academic research in the United States or abroad. Preference will be given to Division II majors, with preference to history majors and secondarily area studies and political science majors specializing in international relations.  Sophomores and juniors are eligible.

The Cherie Levien Memorial Journalism Fellowship

Enables a student to pursue scholarship and personal interests in journalism during the summer. The selection process emphasizes creativity in project proposals which may cover a range of media, subject matters, and locations. Sophomores and juniors are eligible.

William C. Millard 1929 Fund

Relatively modest grants to support travel, study or a creative pursuit in the United States or abroad. A student’s project need not have an academic or primarily educational component. Sophomores and juniors are eligible.

Friedberg Memorial Travel Fellowship

The Marguerite W. Friedberg Memorial Travel Fellowship provides funding for research-related travel to and within continental France. All students, except for graduating seniors, are eligible to apply for this fellowship. The Fellowship seeks to support students who wish to undertake research or creative work that is inspired by a desire to delve more deeply into a French-related subject and/or that is linked to future thesis work.

Language Study Fellowships:

Wilmers Language Grant

Made possible by Robert Wilmers and Gertrude Wilmers, in memory of their son, Robert G. Wilmers Jr. 1990, the fellowship sponsors students planning to enroll in a full-time formal language study program for a minimum of four (weeks in a country where the target language is commonly spoken). First-years, sophomores and juniors are eligible

Linen Fellowships for Summer Study in Asia are open to first-years, sophomores and juniors, and they are tenable in an Asian region. Applicants intending to conduct intensive Asian language study at a reputable program in Asia will be considered for both the Wilmers and the Linen grants. Linen Fellows are selected by the faculty in the Department of Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. Priority will be given to majors or prospective majors in the Department of Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and students who pursue a concentration in the Program of Asian Studies, especially those who study the third-year level (or above) in Chinese or Japanese, or the second-year level in Hindi/Urdu or Korean. In some cases, beginner-level language study proposals may also be considered. The amount of Linen awards varies depending on each applicant’s merit and needs.


Other summer fellowship opportunities for language study:

Liebowitz Language Study Fellowships at Middlebury Summer Language Schools for Williams College undergraduates.
